
Set up your Polygon Mainnet or Testnet (Mumbai) node.


Install required dependencies

In order to build the polygon node, you first need to install all of the required dependencies.

1. Update and install build-essential

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential

2. Install golang

Install the latest version of golang.

Install the Polygon node

Polygon node consists of 2 layers, Heimdall and Bor. Heimdall is a fork of tendermint and runs in parallel to the Ethereum network, monitoring contracts, and Bor is a fork of go-Ethereum and producing blocks shuffled by Heimdall nodes. You need to install and run both binaries in the correct order, as explained in the following steps.

1. Install Heimdall

Please make sure you checkout the latest release tag, depending on the network (Mainnet/Testnet). In this tutorial, we are using v0.2.9

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/maticnetwork/heimdall
cd heimdall
git checkout v0.2.9
make install

# Verify the correct version
heimdalld version --long

2. Install Bor

Please make sure you checkout the latest release tag. In this tutorial we are using v0.2.16

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/maticnetwork/bor
cd bor
git checkout v0.2.16
make bor-all
sudo ln -nfs ~/bor/build/bin/bor /usr/bin/bor
sudo ln -nfs ~/bor/build/bin/bootnode /usr/bin/bootnode

# Verify the correct version
bor version

Setup and configure node

1. Setup launch directory

Replace the <network-name> below with the network you are joining. Available networks: mainnet-v1 and testnet-v4.

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/maticnetwork/launch

mkdir -p node
cp -rf launch/<network-name>/sentry/sentry/* ~/node

# Example for Mainnet:
# cp -rf launch/mainnet-v1/sentry/sentry/* ~/node

2. Setup network directories

# Heimdall
cd ~/node/heimdall
bash setup.sh

# Bor
cd ~/node/bor
bash setup.sh

3. Setup service files

Again, replace the <network-name> below with the network you are joining.

# Download service file
cd ~/node
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maticnetwork/launch/master/<network-name>/service.sh

# Generate Metadata
sudo mkdir -p /etc/matic
sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/matic/
touch /etc/matic/metadata

# Generate service file and copy them into systemd directory
cd ~/node
bash service.sh
sudo cp *.service /etc/systemd/system/

4. Setup config files

Open the ~/.heimdalld/config/config.toml and edit the following flags:

moniker=<enter unique identifier>



Change the value of Pex to true
Change the value of Prometheus to true
Set the max_open_connections value to 100

Open the ~/.heimdalld/config/heimdall-config.toml and edit:

eth_rpc_url = <insert an RPC endpoint for a fully synced Ethereum mainnet node or Goerli testnet node, i.e Infura.>

Open the ~/node/bor/start.sh and add/change the following flags to start parameters:

--http --http.addr '' \

--bootnodes "enode://0cb82b395094ee4a2915e9714894627de9ed8498fb881cec6db7c65e8b9a5bd7f2f25cc84e71e89d0947e51c76e85d0847de848c7782b13c0255247a6758178c@,enode://88116f4295f5a31538ae409e4d44ad40d22e44ee9342869e7d68bdec55b0f83c1530355ce8b41fbec0928a7d75a5745d528450d30aec92066ab6ba1ee351d710@"

--bootnodes "enode://320553cda00dfc003f499a3ce9598029f364fbb3ed1222fdc20a94d97dcc4d8ba0cd0bfa996579dcc6d17a534741fb0a5da303a90579431259150de66b597251@"

To enable Archive mode you can also add the following flags in the start.sh file

--gcmode 'archive' \
--ws --ws.port 8546 --ws.addr --ws.origins '*' \

5. Download maintained snapshots


Syncing Heimdall and Bor services can take several days to sync fully. Alternatively, you can use snapshots to reduce the sync time to a few hours. If you wish to sync the node from the start, then you can skip this step.

To use the snapshots, please visit Polygon Chains Snapshots and download the latest available snapshot for Heimdall and Bor. Replace the snapshot-link below with the full path to the snapshot of the network you’re joining.

wget <snapshot-link-heimdall> -O - | tar -xzf - -C ~/.heimdalld/data/
wget <snapshot-link-bor> -O - | tar -xzf - -C ~/.bor/data/bor/chaindata
# If needed, change the path depending on your server configuration.

Start the Polygon services

After completing all of the previous steps, your node should be configured and ready to launch with the previously created service files.

1. Start Heimdalld

sudo service heimdalld start
sudo service heimdalld-rest-server start

Important: You need to wait for Heimdall node to fully sync with the network before starting the Bor service!

You can check the status of heimdalld service or follow the logs with:

sudo service heimdalld status
journalctl -u heimdalld.service -f

2. Start Bor

Once heimdalld is synced with the latest block height, then you can start the bor service file:

sudo service bor start

# Check status and logs
sudo service bor status
journalctl -u bor.service -f

Test your Polygon RPC connection

Once your Bor node is fully synced, you can run a cURL request to see the status of your node:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_syncing", "params":[]}' localhost:8545

If the node is successfully synced, the output from above will print {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":false}

Configure vald

In order for vald to connect to your node, your rpc_addr should be exposed in vald’s config.toml

name = "polygon"
rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true
finality_override = "confirmation"
name = "polygon"
rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true
finality_override = "confirmation"
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